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Simplifying Data Management From Desktop to Datacenter With Graid Technology

As data volumes continue to explode across enterprises, effectively managing that data is becoming increasingly challenging for IT organizations. Developers, engineers, and architects striving to deliver innovative solutions often find themselves spending inordinate amounts of time on tedious data management tasks - time that could be better spent focusing on core development initiatives.  Graid Technology offers a compelling solution that can liberate IT teams from many of these burdensome data management…

Intel Names Justin Hotard as EVP, GM of Data-Center and AI Group

Intel appointed Justin Hotard as executive vice president and general manager of its data-center and AI group, effective Feb. 1.The semiconductor giant said Hotard would report directly to Chief Executive Pat Gelsinger. Hotard would be responsible for Intel’s suite of data-center products.Copyright ©2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 Intel appointed Justin Hotardas executive vice president and general manager of its data-center and AI group, effective Feb. 1.The

Tropical datacenter now up and running in Singapore

The new "full-scale live" datacenter facility aims to "bridge the gap" between research and practical applications, bringing together researchers and industry partners to "fast-track" the adoption of sustainable cooling solutions built for tropical climates, the three organizations said in a joint statement. They hope these collaborative efforts will establish new sustainability standards for datacenter operations in the tropics. Also: How to easily install a cloud service at home in an hour or lessThe objective is to

Apple Datacenter Workers in China Banned From Seeing Family

Aerial photo taken on May 24, 2022 shows Apple’s datacenter in southwest China’s Guizhou Province. Photo: Ou Dongqu/Xinhua (Getty Images)The workers managing Apple’s iCloud datacenter in China, employees of Apple-partner Guizhou Cloud Big Data, haven’t been able to see their families in a week, thanks to a lockdown of the city ofGuiyang over covid-19 concerns, according to a new report from Bloomberg News. The datacenter is operating under a so-called “closed loop” system, which means that workers can’t leave and are

Security Expert Reveals He Broke Into Datacenter via “Piss Corridor”

The most important concern for any individual or a huge datacentre holding thousands of gigabytes of data is security. With the advancement of technology, many security tools are used by companies to keep their data secure. But one security expert has found a unique "leak" in one of the datacentres, which allowed him to gain access to precious data. The security expert, Andrew Tierney, posted a detailed thread on Twitter to explain how he gained physical access to the datacentre using "piss corridor". Mr Tierney, who…

AMD: On Track to Improve Accelerated Datacenter Efficiency by 30x by 2025

The amount of data generated by people and machines has increased exponentially and this requires a steady increase of datacenter compute performance. To meet the requirements of next-generation datacenters, AMD last year set itself a goal to increase efficiency of its accelerated datacenter platforms used for artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) workloads by 30 times by 2025 when compared to its 2020 platforms.  This week the company shared its progress, and it appears that AMD is advancing…