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DOJ accuses Google of deleting chat evidence for its antitrust lawsuit

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is accusing Google of routinely destroying internal messaging chat histories, which the company is required to preserve under federal rules for an antitrust lawsuit. Google is grappling with not just one, but a couple of antitrust lawsuits filed by the DOJ and groups of states. This particular case pertains to the lawsuit the department filed back in 2020 for "unlawfully maintaining monopolies" around search and search-related advertising. In the DOJ's filing, it said company employees…

DCU Trolls Blamed for a Rumored Superman Contender Deleting Socials

Image via Warner Bros. James Gunn has gone on record to state that he’s not even going to consider the possibility of casting the lead role in his Superman reboot until the script is written, but that hasn’t stopped several contenders from emerging as fan-casting front-runners. Jacob Elordi was the name that caused the Guardians of the Galaxy and The Suicide Squad director to shut down the latest batch of rumors, but he’s far from the only candidate being floated in online circles. 25 year-old Wolfgang…

Maximum consecutive ones formed by deleting at most K 0’s

Given a binary array arr of length N, the task is to find the maximum consecutive ones that can be formed by deleting at most K 0′s from the array arr from any position. Examples: Input: arr = , K = 2 Output: 5Explanation: Delete 0’s at positions 3 and 5. Therefore, the maximum number of consecutive ones is 5.Input: arr = , K = 1Output: 4Approach:  The problem can be solved based on the following idea:Use a sliding window, to keep track of no. of zeroes and ones. At any instance, if the number of zeroes in the current…

Generate longest String with character sum at most K by deleting letters

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Given a string str and an integer K, the task is to find the longest string that can be made by deleting letters from the given string such that the sum of the characters of the remaining string is at most K.Note: The value of the string is calculated as the sum of the value of characters (a value is 1, b value is 2…., z value is 26).Examples:Input:  str = “geeksforgeeks”, K = 15Output: eeeExplanation: After deleting the characters string gets…

How to stay invisible on WhatsApp without deleting the app from your phone

WhatsApp is the world’s most-popular instant messaging app. The Facebook parent Meta-owned app’s largest market in terms of users is India. The country has almost 500 million WhatsApp users. The fact that WhatsApp is used by almost half a billion users in India shows its importance as a connectivity and instant messaging tool. The chatbots of numerous businesses have made the platform more useful. We can use WhatsApp to get in touch with businesses as well as access several services. One of the most critical government…

How to disable all alerts/notifications on WhatsApp without deleting the app

WhatsApp is the most-used mobile messaging app in the world. The Facebook-owned instant messaging platform has more than two billion users worldwide. India is the largest market for WhatsApp, with Brazil being second biggest. According to research firm Statistica, WhatsApp had almost 490 million users in India at the end of the year 2021. While WhatsApp started as a chat app, over the years it has evolved much beyond. WhatsApp can now be used for voice and video calls, group chats, share media (photos, videos, songs) with…

Meek Mill Explains Why He’s Leaving Twitter Before Deleting Account

Meek Mill has officially left Twitter.Prior to deactivating his Twitter account for good, the Philly rapper posted one last tweet, sharing an explanation with his followers regarding why he’s leaving.“Ima deactivate Twitter forever and go to a new social where it’s more good vibes based off building, creating and motivation,” he wrote. “Whoever run my shit turn this off forever … ima takeover my YouTube account to replace me interacting with supports! Too many bots and weird people.”Shortly after posting the tweet, Meek…

Why is Twitter deleting 1.5 billion accounts from the platform?

Image Source : INDIA TV Elon Musk New Twitter owner Elon Musk on Friday said the company will delete and free names of 1.5 billion accounts that have been inactive for years on the platform. "Twitter will soon start freeing the namespace of 1.5 billion accounts. These are obvious account deletions with no tweets and no login for years," said the billionaire. Musk also…

Huawei, once Samsung’s rival, may be deleting China protest videos

Last updated: December 1st, 2022 at 15:48 UTC+01:00 You may have probably heard about the recent protests in China. Foxconn employees took to the streets to protest the company for misleading claims on wage increases and other benefits that never came to pass. Most other protests in China are reportedly happening due to recent COVID lockdowns and restrictions. Amid all this, a report about Huawei deleting protest videos is spreading. Chinese social media users cited by @MsMelChen are reportedly claiming that their…

Find last element of Array by rotating and deleting N-K+1 element

Given an array arr of N integers, the task is to find the element which is left at last after performing the following operation N – 1 time. For every Kth operation:Right-rotate the array clockwise by 1.Delete the (n – K + 1)th last element.Example:Input: N = 6, arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}Output: 3Explanation: Rotate the array clockwise i.e. after rotation the array A = {6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and delete the last element that is {5} that will be A = {6, 1, 2, 3, 4}. Again rotate the array for the second time and deletes the…