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The Fraud-Detection Business Has a Dirty Secret

The algorithm’s impact on Serbia’s Roma community has been dramatic. ​​Ahmetović says his sister has also had her welfare payments cut since the system was introduced, as have several of his neighbors. “Almost all people living in Roma settlements in some municipalities lost their benefits,” says Danilo Ćurčić, program coordinator of A11, a Serbian nonprofit that provides legal aid. A11 is trying to help the Ahmetovićs and more than 100 other Roma families reclaim their benefits.But first, Ćurčić needs to know how the…

The Generative AI Race Has a Dirty Secret

In early February, first Google, then Microsoft, announced major overhauls to their search engines. Both tech giants have spent big on building or buying generative AI tools, which use large language models to understand and respond to complex questions. Now they are trying to integrate them into search, hoping they’ll give users a richer, more accurate experience. The Chinese search company Baidu has announced it will follow suit.But the excitement over these new tools could be concealing a dirty secret. The race to…

Reparations and America’s dirty secret in The Big Payback

When Erika Alexander (Living Single, John Lewis: Good Trouble) and Whitney Dow (Two Towns of Jasper, Whiteness Project) first set out to creat a prjct about reparations, they expected to make a thesis film about the debate surrounding H.R. 40, a 30-year-old Congressional bill that would establish a commission to study slavery and consider reparations for Black Americans. Plans shifted upon meeting Alderman Robin Rue Simmons and learning of her pursuit to pass the first government-funded reparations program in…

MCU Fans Have Ideas on How To Fix an X-Men Favorite That’s Always Been Done Dirty in Live-Action

It’s safe to say Cyclops didn’t get the respect he deserved in the Fox X-Men movies. From the 2000 original onwards, he was the straight-laced butt of the joke, with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine taking every available opportunity to clown on him and flirt with Jean Grey right under his nose. The low point came in X-Men: The Last Stand. Actor James Marsden had taken a role in Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns over at Warner Bros., and so in a supremely catty retaliatory move, Fox unceremoniously killed off Cyclops in the first…

Dirty websites: The worst URLs for the environment, ranked

Greg Nichols/DALL-EPoking around online, it's easy to forget that the digital spaces we move through have non-digital consequences. When it comes to the environment, major websites have a surprising footprint.A research team at Payless Power ranked around 50 popular websites based on environmental impact. How much CO2 does a single site visit represent, anyway? Are any of these websites using servers and infrastructure that run on sustainable energy, and how does that change the equation?The findings represent an

Steroids may be Hollywood’s dirty secret – but they’re a symptom of a bigger problem

Get our free weekly email for all the latest cinematic news from our film critic Clarisse LoughreyGet our The Life Cinematic email for freeWe live in the era of the superhero. There’s no escaping it. Our popular culture is obsessed  with these figures: go to a cinema on any given week and you can reliably find scenes of musclebound Übermenschen saving the world. Many of these films are explicit about it; others, such as James Bond or Fast & Furious, are superhero fiction in all but name. As Hollywood has flooded the…

Shipping Emissions Are Black Friday’s Dirty Secret

Container ships in a port in Hamburg, Germany.Photo: Daniel Bockwoldt/picture-alliance/dpa (AP)It may be tempting to load up on online shopping deals this Black Friday—but before you order a whole new wardrobe or electronics setup, take a moment to think about the trip all those packages may take. International shipping to bring all that stuff to your door is responsible for almost 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. And as the world’s online shopping addiction grows bigger and bigger, the problem only gets worse:

Scientists Reveal Why You Should Clean Your Dirty Windows

The study found that grimy windows can harbor potentially toxic pollutants.The windows could be harboring toxic pollutants.Dirty windows may harbor potentially harmful pollutants behind protective films of fatty acids from cooking emissions, which can linger for extended periods of time.A recent study conducted by scientists at the <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>University of Birmingham</div><div…

Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet’s Dirty Supply Chains Undercut Climate Promises From HQ

Suppliers for major brands like Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet are still relying heavily on fossil fuels, Greenpeace finds. Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Alphabet Inc. have pledged to run their own operations on 100% clean power. But their suppliers — the lesser known companies that make the key components of hit products like the Kindle, the Xbox or Pixel mobiles — remain deeply reliant on fossil fuels. Twelve of the 14 top suppliers get on average 5.4% of their energy from renewable sources or don't