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Patients and Doctors Navigate Conflicting Abortion and Emergency Care Laws

Each week, Dr. Kim Puterbaugh sees several pregnant patients at a Cleveland hospital who are experiencing complications involving bleeding or infection. The OB-GYN has to make quick decisions about how to treat them, including whether to remove the dead or dying fetus to protect the health and life of the mother. Leaving in place a fetus that has no chance of survival dramatically increases the chance of maternal infection and permanent injury. But now her medical decisions are complicated by Ohio’s new abortion law,…

Doctors Solve a Case of Unexplained Finger Pain

By The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) August 7, 2022The pain was able to be fixed by a quick 30 minute-operation.The cause of more than 40 years of unexplained pain was revealed to be a rare under-fingernail tumor.In a case report being presented at Euroanaesthesia, the annual meeting of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) in Milan, Italy, doctors from France and Armenia describe a 58-year-old woman who experienced severe, unexplained finger pain for more than…

The Disturbing Reason a Man’s Voice Grew Mysteriously Hoarse Over a Year

Over the course of a year, a man's voice grew progressively more hoarse and his speech became shrill and grating, but he didn't know why.Upon examining the man, doctors discovered the reason: Fungus was growing in his throat.  According to the report of the man's case, published Thursday (4 August) in the journal JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, the man appeared otherwise healthy when he went to a clinic in Pennsylvania that treats conditions of the head and neck.The man, in his 60s, reported that he'd…

The Fall of Roe Makes Complex Pregnancies Even Riskier

Doctors who care for pregnant people often have to make time-sensitive decisions when lives are on the line. But in the wake of the US Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned the national right to abortion, time is no longer on their side.Many states have now implemented tough restrictions that don’t necessarily ban doctors from performing any abortions, but make them wait until a “medical emergency” or “life-threatening” event happens—and what these terms mean is not well-defined. These delays can endanger…

78% of Doctors Inflate Estimates of Medical Procedure Success

Many medical professionals are simply bad at doing probability calculations.The success of multi-step medical procedures is often overestimated by doctors.Medical treatment is seldom simple, whether a woman is giving birth or a man is undergoing a cancer biopsy. An unanticipated problem might happen at any time, especially with treatments that involve numerous steps.However, recent research by experts from the University of Utah Health and its partners found that doctors often have unrealistic expectations about the…

Harvard Doctors Discover That This Type of Diet Can Dramatically Reduce Your Risk of Frailty

By Hebrew SeniorLife Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research July 27, 2022The study found that frailty risk can be decreased by a Mediterranean diet.Scientists believe it is important to create measures for frailty prevention and treatment since 10-15% of older adults become frail.Recent research indicated that eating a Mediterranean-style diet may reduce frailty. The study was published in The <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div…

Google Search to Let You Find and Book Doctor’s Appointment; Fitbit Testing AFib Detection, Alerts

Google Search is getting the ability to let users find appointment availability of doctors to plan their health checkups, without having to use a third-party solution. The update was showcased at Google's second annual healthcare-focused event The Check Up on Thursday. In addition to the Google Search update, the Mountain View, California-based company at its virtual event announced plans to integrate support for detecting atrial fibrillation (AFib) within Fitbit fitness-tracking devices to help people receive alerts for…

Some Doctors Rethink Careers After States Restrict Abortions

Giovannina Anthony is among doctors who have rethought their careers since the Supreme Court removed constitutional protections for abortion. An obstetrician-gynecologist, Dr. Anthony has conducted medical abortions at her clinic in Jackson, Wyo., for 17 years. She was the only abortion provider in the state before telemedicine-based startup The Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24 has put her work in doubt. If Gov. Mark Gordon, a Republican, agrees that the decision now…

Can AI help doctors fight burnout?

Even before COVID-19, 40% of physicians said they felt burned out. But the pandemic was a tipping point. Working in jerry-rigged PPE in overcrowded, understaffed ICUs, more than 3,600 U.S. healthcare workers died in the first year of the pandemic alone. After bearing witness to the lonely deaths of some 1 million patients, holding the phone as they shared their final minutes with family members via FaceTime, more doctors are deciding to retire early, exacerbating a looming shortage. A report last year by the Association…