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Bradley Cooper Recalls How Will Arnett Helped Him Deal With His Drug And Alcohol Addiction

Following the incredible success of The Hangover Bradley Cooper became a massive movie star. Cooper’s been nominated for nine Academy Awards in his career and become part of the biggest movie franchise in the world in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Cooper has seemingly done it all, but he may never have been able to if he hadn’t overcome substance abuse, and Cooper says actor Will Arnett is the reason he was able to do so.Appearing on the Smartless Podcast, hosted by Arnett, Jason Bateman, and Sean Hayes, Bradley Cooper…

Drug Treatment for Cataracts Might Soon Become a Reality

Cataracts are the clouding of the lens of your eye and can currently only be cured through surgery. However, recent extremely positive lab results give hope that the condition might soon be able to be treated with just drugs.Anglia Ruskin University expert leads work on an anti-cataract drug, which shows promising results in lab testsCurrently, cataracts can only be cured with surgery. However, a groundbreaking new treatment for cataracts has had incredibly positive laboratory test results suggesting that the affliction…

Hospitals May Recoup Billions of Dollars in Drug Payments Under Supreme Court Ruling

The Supreme Court said the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services unlawfully cut lucrative pharmaceutical subsidies to some hospitals, in a victory for hospitals that had disputed the move. The unanimous decision on Wednesday reverses two years of the cuts, which were made starting in 2018 as a centerpiece of the Trump administration’s health-policy agenda. The cuts sharply reduced federal subsidies under a program, known as 340B, created to help buoy hospitals that care for…

Wonder Drug Could Provide Protection Against Depression

A new study from the University of Oxford revealed that patients taking statins had reduced negative emotional bias.Statins have been linked with reduced negative emotional biasWith 17.3 million adult Americans affected, depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders in the country. A gloomy or depressed mood that lasts for two weeks or more is considered major depression.Depression is distinct from common mood swings and brief emotional reactions to problems in daily life. Depression may develop into a serious…

Existing cancer drug boosts brain genes to improve memory and learning

Researchers at EPFL have found that an existing drug used to treat cancer, among other things, also seems to improve memory. Intriguingly, tests in mice show that the drug works by switching on genes associated with brain plasticity.The drug in question belongs to a class known as HDAC inhibitors (HDACis), which are used for a variety of purposes. This particular one is called CI-994, and it’s administered as a chemotherapy adjuvant, improving the efficacy of the treatment against cancer. Other studies have suggested that…

FDA approves first-of-a-kind hair loss drug for severe alopecia

The FDA has followed highly promising results from trials demonstrating the hair regrowth potential of a common arthritis drug with a landmark approval, giving baricitinib the green light as a treatment for severe alopecia areata. The move makes the drug the first ever FDA-approved drug for systemic treatment of the disease, and will take the form of a daily pill that proved hugely promising in recent Phase 3 trials.Baricitinib is a drug originally developed to treat rheumatoid arthritis, and recently began to attract…

A Common Epilepsy Drug Causes Birth Defects, And We May Finally Know Why

Valproic acid – a drug commonly used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder – can cause birth defects and developmental disorders if taken during pregnancy, but the reason why has long been a mystery.  Now, in a study using mice and human tissue, scientists discovered that the medication locks some embryonic cells into a suspended state where they can't properly grow or divide.By forcing key stem cells cells into this state, called senescence, valproic acid may disrupt brain development in the womb and therefore cause…

Tiny, Tumbling Origami Robots Could Help with Targeted Drug Delivery

A new kind of hollow, pea-sized robot can roll, flip and jump to navigate its surroundings. It can transition from dry surfaces to pools of liquid with ease, making it fully amphibious. Its ability to use different types of motion in multiple environments—while carrying a cargo—sets it apart from other wee machines, most of which can only move in a single way. The new bot’s versatility also makes it uniquely adept at working its way through, over and around obstacles. One day its small size and multifunctionality might…

FDA Approves First Drug of Its Kind for Severe Alopecia

Photo: Shutterstock (Shutterstock)People with a severe form of baldness will now have a significant treatment option available. On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration approved baricitinib for treating alopecia areata. The drug, taken as a pill, is the first of its kind intended to treat the autoimmune disorder, though it’s already commonly used for other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.Alopecia areata is caused by an overactive immune system that attacks hair follicle cells. Hair loss typically occurs before age

Canada Approves Amylyx’s ALS Drug as U.S. Seeks More Time to Review

Canadian health authorities approved Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s new drug for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the progressive neurodegenerative disease that robs patients of their ability to move and speak.It is the first Canadian approval since 2018 for a new drug treating the fatal condition, which is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The action by Health Canada on Monday could put more pressure on U.S. drug regulators to issue their own approval, though some Food and Drug…