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An Obscured Face Behind COVID-19 May Finally Be Emerging : ScienceAlert

Once more, we're talking about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.First the US Department of Energy's review gave more emphasis to the laboratory leak hypothesis than previously, although the confidence for this conclusion was low.Second, and more importantly, is the release and analysis this week of viral and animal genetic material collected from the Huanan wet market in Wuhan, the place forever associated with the beginning of the pandemic.It's a subject close to me. I was the Australian…

Deadly Fungi Are the Newest Emerging Microbe Threat All Over the World

Editor’s Note (3/21/23): The dangerous fungus Candida auris is spreading rapidly in hospitals and other health care facilities, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned on Monday. Our June 2021 feature story, republished here, explains why C. auris can be so lethal and who is most at risk. It also describes why this pathogen and other deadly fungi are spreading throughout the world. It was the fourth week of June in 2020, and the middle of the second wave of the COVID pandemic in the U.S. Cases had passed…

Emerging deforestation frontier in southwestern Amazon sees increase in burnings

Fire destroyed 4,141 km² of forest and 6,484 km² of pasture and cropland between 2003 and 2019 in the area of Boca do Acre. Credit: Débora Dutra A swathe of the Amazon Rainforest almost twice the size of Luxembourg was destroyed by fire between 2003 and 2019. The area is in the southwest of Amazonas state, in Brazil's North region, and includes parts of nine municipalities with some of the worst sustainable development…

Credable, a digital banking infra startup that wants to build Unit for emerging markets, gets funding

Embedded finance solutions in less developed markers are becoming more prominent as platforms look to provide various financial solutions to the unbanked and underserved. Banking infrastructure providers are mainly responsible for the proliferation of such solutions. They allow businesses such as mobile operators, e-commerce platforms, and logistics companies to embed and enable banking products for their customers. Credable, an upstart in this category that provides its clients with the technology stack, scoring…

Emerging managers hope the new SVB offers the same support to new VCs

Before it crashed, Silicon Valley Bank was known to many startups and venture firms as the place to park their money or take out a capital line. But for emerging managers, it was a lot more than just a financial institution. Multiple emerging managers told TechCrunch+ that SVB was instrumental in helping them build their firms from the ground up. It also provided support to help them build networks and feel included in the venture ecosystem despite their size. After the bank’s collapse and the…

Bird Flu, Mpox And Marburg. Why Do So Many Viruses Seem to Be Emerging Right Now? : ScienceAlert

From the widespread outbreak of mpox (formerly called monkeypox) in 2022, to the evolving bird flu situation, to recent cases of Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea, COVID isn't dominating the headlines as much as it used to.Instead, we've been regularly hearing about outbreaks of newly emerging or re-emerging viruses.So, is the incidence of virus outbreaks increasing? Or, have we just become better at detecting outbreaks thanks to improved technology developed during the COVID pandemic? The answer may be a bit of…

New Meme Coin Dogetti is Emerging with its Monumental Crypto Presale; Doggy Veterans Dogecoin and Shiba Inu may have a Third Friend

The crypto market has recently been dominated by the presale of a new dog-based meme coin Dogetti (DETI), because of its spectacular achievements. Additionally, Dogetti has been incentivising new crypto users by offering them a welcome bonus. Since then, we’ve been left wondering what else they could be capable of. Can Dogetti join Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) as the rival breed? In this article, let’s discover the characteristics of all three and why the future looks optimistic! Don’t Forgetti Dogetti Dogetti…

How CASE, ‘two zeros’ will shape emerging mobility technologies, Auto News, ET Auto

Representative image.By Ujjwala Karle The automotive industry is constantly evolving. The global trends that define the top technology basket of mobility are Connected, Automated, Shared and Electrified (CASE). For India CASE will be modified to include nation-specific needs. Loaded with these features the new tagline will be Software Defined Vehicles. Of all the global trends and terminologies of the future, two most impactful factors will be the two zeros: Vision Zero… zero accident deaths, and Carbon Zero… carbon…

China’s Economy Seen Emerging From Zero-Covid Shadow

HONG KONG—Economic activity in China expanded sharply for a second straight month, in an early sign the country may be shaking off the impact of pandemic curbs sooner than expected.  A gauge of manufacturing rose at the fastest pace in more than a decade in February, while export orders expanded for the first time in almost two years, the National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday. Services and construction activity also expanded further, the purchasing managers index report showed.…

google: App companies see China-like business models emerging after Google unbundling

Indian app developers believe that the unbundling of Google-controlled app ecosystem in India will help them create several new business models for engaging with users through partnerships with hardware firms and operating systems.The country’s app ecosystem could mirror that of China where there are a multitude of operating systems and Play Store options with different apps that users can choose to deploy on their smartphones, they said.“The possibilities are endless and it could even mirror the best part of China's…