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Fibre optics could be the answer to water loss from leaky pipes

Approximately 48.6 billion cubic meters of water are lost around the world every day. According to the International Water Association (IWA), the main culprits for this loss are underground leaks on water mains and service pipes. To monitor leaks in water pipeline networks, researchers at the Polytechnic University of Milan have experimented with a novel method using fibre optics — the inexpensive and commonly- used technology that allows us to have fast internet at home. The scientists…

Leaky Russian spacecraft lands on Earth from space station: Report

An unmanned Russian spacecraft, which suffered a major coolant leak in December last year, has successfully landed on Earth from the International Space Station (ISS), Roscosmos, the Russian space agency said."Its de-orbiting and descent to Earth went smoothly!" Roscosmos wrote on Telegram.The leaky Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft cast off from its docking port on the Russian-built Rassvet module of the ISS without any astronauts aboard at 5:57 a.m. EDT (3:27 p.m. IST).The agency also noted that the Soyuz delivered "218 kg of…

Russia’s Leaky Soyuz Spacecraft Is Back on Earth

A few months after a Russian crew capsule sprung a leak while docked to the International Space Station, the MS-22 returned to Earth carrying cargo but with no crew on board.Three Astronauts May Be Stranded on the ISS After Disturbing Soyuz Coolant LeakRussian space agency Roscosmos’s Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft undocked from the ISS on Tuesday at 5:57 a.m. ET before landing in the Kazakh Steppe, an area of open grassland in northern Kazakhstan, with the help of a parachute about two hours later at 7:46 a.m. ET, according to…

Leaky Soyuz Spaceship Departs Space Station and Lands in Kazakhstan

The Soyuz MS-22 crew ship is pictured docked to the Rassvet module. In the background, the Prichal docking module is attached to the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module. Credit: NASAThe uncrewed Roscosmos Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft made an automated, parachute-assisted landing in Kazakhstan at 7:46 a.m. <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>EDT</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>EDT is an abbreviation for Eastern Daylight…

Russia plans to launch new Soyuz spacecraft to replace a leaky one docked at the ISS

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft docked to the International Space Station (ISS) began leaking coolant early last month, leading to concerns about whether the vehicle would be safe to transport ISS crew members back to Earth. NASA and Russian space agency Roscosmos have now announced they will be sending a replacement spacecraft for NASA astronaut Frank Rubio and Roscosmos cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitry Petelin in which to travel home. A SpaceX Crew Dragon is also available as a contingency option should it be…

NASA mulls SpaceX backup plan for crew of Russia’s leaky Soyuz ship

NASA is exploring whether SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft can potentially offer an alternative ride home for some crew members of the International Space Station after a Russian capsule sprang a coolant leak while docked to the orbital lab. NASA and Russia's space agency, Roscosmos, are investigating the cause of a punctured coolant line on an external radiator of Russia's Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft, which is supposed to return its crew of two cosmonauts and one U.S. astronaut to Earth early next year. But the Dec. 14

Leaky ReLU vs. ReLU Activation Functions: Which is Better? | by Benjamin McCloskey | Nov, 2022

An experiment to investigate if there is a noticeable difference in a model’s performance when using a ReLU Activation Function vs. an LReLU Activation FunctionPhoto by Lucas Vasques on UnsplashAs data scientists, we continuously seek to improve and find the most optimal parameters for our machine-learning (ML) models. Creating a model with the correct architecture and hyperparameters can be the difference between a model that is capable of answering your current problem, or generating a model that is utterly useless and…

NASA replaces Artemis 1’s leaky fuel seals

NASA has of its next-generation Space Launch System (SLS) rocket. On Friday, engineers replaced the that forced the agency to scrub its most recent attempt to launch Artemis 1. On September 3rd, a fitting on one of the fuel lines to the SLS began leaking hydrogen. Ground crew at Kennedy Space Center tried to troubleshoot the problem three times, only for the leak to persist and force NASA to call off the launch attempt. On Friday, engineers also replaced the seal on a 4-inch hydrogen “bleed line” that was responsible…

SpaceX and NASA Identify Cause of Leaky Cargo Vehicle

A SpaceX cargo mission to the International Space Station has been pushed back to no earlier than July 11 after teams discovered elevated vapor levels of propellant. The mission was originally scheduled for launch on June 10, but ground teams noticed a potential hydrazine leak while loading cargo.On Monday, officials with NASA met with SpaceX to discuss the findings of an investigation into the problematic vapor leak. Following additional inspections and testing of the Dragon spacecraft, the investigators managed to…