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Obesity Alters Daily Energy Burning, Study Reveals

Recent research reveals that healthy-weight individuals burn more energy during the day, while those with obesity expend more at night, highlighting the significant role of circadian rhythms in energy metabolism and health.OHSU researchers build on studies with healthy-weight participants; organized study that included different body sizes.Weight impacts the timing and manner in which bodies expend energy, according to recent findings.Research from Oregon Health & Science University, published in the journal Obesity,…

Deleting a Key Gene Shields Against Excess Weight Gain

A study from UC San Diego reveals that obesity causes mitochondrial dysfunction in fat cells, driven by a specific gene. Deactivating this gene in mice prevents obesity, suggesting new treatment approaches.UC San Diego Study reveals key mechanism behind obesity-related metabolic dysfunction.The number of people with obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, resulting in a worldwide epidemic. While lifestyle factors like diet and exercise play a role in the development and progression of obesity, scientists have come to…

Most People Who Stop Taking Wegovy/Ozempic Keep the Weight Off, Study Finds

A popular class of weight loss drugs may offer more lasting success than assumed, new data from Epic Research suggests. The study of medical records found that a slight majority of people who took GLP-1 drugs like semaglutide either maintained or improved their weight loss in the year after they stopped using the medication. More than a third of former users did substantially regain much or all of their original weight, however.Alex Winter on the Most Important Modern Horror Movie Semaglutide mimics the natural GLP-1…

Ozempic and Other Weight-Loss Drugs Are Sparking a Risky New War on Obesity

In 1998, Viagra received FDA approval. A financial bonanza followed for its manufacturer, Pfizer, and later for its competitors. Although initially approved—and marketed—specifically for erectile dysfunction, Pfizer and later competitors used aggressive targeted marketing to catapult the drug from an erectile dysfunction treatment to a lifestyle pill pocketed by nervous 30-year-olds heading out on Internet dates.The erectile dysfunction drugs market was valued at $2.6 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $5.1 billion…

New Gut-Brain Circuits Found for Sugar and Fat Cravings – “One-Two Punch” Revealed

Recent research has identified distinct brain pathways for fat and sugar cravings, explaining why combinations of these can lead to overeating. This discovery sheds light on the challenges of dieting and suggests new approaches for anti-obesity treatments. Credit: SciTechDaily.comResults reveal a “one-two punch” to the brain’s reward system, possibly impeding dieting efforts.Understanding why we overeat unhealthy foods has been a long-standing mystery. While we know food’s strong power influences our choices, the precise…

Cannabis Lights Up Brain’s Hunger Circuit

Washington State University researchers have discovered that cannabis stimulates appetite by activating specific hypothalamic cells in mice. This breakthrough, using calcium imaging technology, offers potential for new treatments for appetite disorders. Credit: SciTechDaily.comNew research reveals that cannabis activates certain brain cells to stimulate appetite, paving the way for potential treatments for appetite-related disorders.While it is well known that cannabis can cause the munchies, researchers have now revealed…

Plant-Based Diets Improve Metabolic, Liver, and Kidney Health

A study reveals that a healthy plant-based diet, involving reduced intake of processed and sugary foods, can decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes by 24% by improving metabolism and organ function.A plant-based diet has been proven for the first time to improve metabolism and liver and kidney function.With limitations – as demonstrated in a study led by Tilman Kühn from MedUni Vienna’s Center for Public Health: A more plant-based diet only develops its protective effects if not only the consumption of animal-based foods,…

For people with obesity, weight loss surgery may slow cognitive decline

A new study has found that people with obesity who underwent weight-loss – bariatric – surgery had stable cognition two years after, and their executive function improved. Although further research is needed, the researchers are counting their findings as a win, given the association between obesity and rapid cognitive decline.Over the past 50 years, worldwide obesity rates have tripled, creating a widespread public health crisis. It’s projected that by 2030, nearly 50% of US adults will be affected by obesity. Along with…

Chemical Produced by Gut Microbes Seems to Prevent Obesity in Mice : ScienceAlert

Microbes living in our guts ooze a substance that could help protect us against excessive weight gain, according to observations in mice.The bacteria-derived compound may explain why early exposure to antibiotics can play a role in childhood obesity, a condition which is rising globally.Vanderbilt University biochemist Catherine Shelton and colleagues discovered this by giving young mice a high or low fat diet, with or without exposure to antibiotics. Mice only given penicillin antibiotics did not gain weight, but those…

MIT scientists are working on a vibrating obesity pill

MIT likens a new vibrating capsule to drinking a glass full of water prior to eating. Dieticians recommend the latter as a method for sending signals to your brain to simulate the sensation of being full. The researchers behind the new project further suggest it as a future alternative to surgery and GLP-1s. The latter, which includes semaglutides like Ozempic and Wegovy, are both extremely popular and prohibitively expensive, owing in large part to pharma IP laws. MIT’s capsule has seen some laboratory success.…