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Scientists Develop Unprecedented Painless Method To Reprogram Canine Stem Cells

Researchers at Osaka Metropolitan University have innovatively reprogrammed canine stem cells from urine to create induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) without feeder cells. This breakthrough in non-invasive, pain-free stem cell generation paves the way for new advancements in veterinary regenerative medicine and genetic disease research, offering hope for treating previously incurable diseases in dogs. Credit: Shingo Hatoya, Osaka Metropolitan UniversityA new method has been developed to generate canine-induced…

Sidekick AI app: 5 painless ways this AI tool helps users stay productive

In a work environment that requires constant communication and early deadlines, it is very easy to overlook important tasks and meetings. While we struggle to keep up with tasks we also sometimes miss out on crucial meetings due to a lack of effective scheduling. Therefore, to keep up with tasks and all the important meetings you need a useful scheduling tool that will keep you informed about upcoming meetings and help you plan your days accordingly. Sidekick AI is one such AI-scheduling tool that enables users to…

Oral films offer painless, precise drug delivery

Getting young children to take their medicine can be tricky, especially if it’s a yucky tasting syrup, a tablet, or – worse – an injection. Likewise, elderly people can struggle with taking large and numerous tablets. Now, researchers have developed an oral film that offers painless, hassle-free and precise drug delivery and is more environmentally friendly, to boot.Based on their personal and professional experiences of the difficulties of administering medications to older folk and children, researchers from the…

Ubuntu Cinnamon makes the transition from Windows to Linux as painless as possible

Cinnamon offers a clean and simple desktop interface anyone can pick up immediately. Jack Wallen/ZDNETLinux is all about choice. It has been since its inception and it remains so to this day. You'll find desktop interfaces that range from old-school to highly modern (and everything in between). If you've ever used any incarnation of Windows or MacOS, you'll find a Linux desktop distribution to perfectly meet your needs.As for me, my preference falls more toward the modern take on the desktop. However, most users…

Painless patch uses ultrasound to deliver drugs through the skin

MIT scientists have developed a new wearable patch that can deliver drugs through the skin more efficiently and painlessly. The device uses pulses of ultrasound to pry open the skin, which could improve topical medications or even tattoos.Many drugs are administered either orally or intravenously, but the former requires larger doses, the latter is unpleasant, and both are hard to direct to specific areas. For the new study, the MIT team wanted to develop a way to deliver drugs through the skin, straight to where they…

Painless “MOF-Jet” Delivers Vaccines With a Puff of Compressed Gas

The MOF-Jet, pictured here, can “shoot” gene therapies into cells without the pain of a needle. Credit: Jeremiah GassensmithScientists have taken steps towards developing a painless method of vaccine delivery using powdered vaccines and a compressed gas-driven “MOF-Jet.” This system could potentially provide therapeutics against cancer and other diseases without the need for needles or refrigeration. The project, presented at the ACS Spring 2023 hybrid meeting, was conceived during the pandemic when the principal…

Wordle 603 answer for February 12: Painless puzzle! Check Wordle hints, clues, solution

Wordle 603 answer for February 12: This week was a turbulent one in Wordle. We had a couple of easy puzzles and a few really tricky one's. But you should be happy to know that you're going to end the week with a simple word. Most veterans should be able to figure out the puzzle with a simple letter elimination technique, but if you're new to the game, don't worry. We have curated a list of Wordle hints and clues for you to get a good advantage before you even begin the game. And if you're already in the middle of the

Music Is Too Smooth and Painless in Streaming Age

“Everything’s too easy,” Dylan said of streaming music. “Just one stroke of the ring finger, middle finger, one little click, that’s all it takes.”Image: Kevin Winter (Getty Images)Music industry legend Bob Dylan has some opinions on the boom in streaming services over the last few years. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the singer-songwriter shared his belief that the industry’s pivot to streaming has made music “toothless.” Dylan said:Everything’s too easy. Just one stroke of the ring finger, middle finger,

The 50 best albums of 2022: No 10 – Nilüfer Yanya: Painless | Nilufer Yanya

Nilüfer Yanya has always thrilled by keeping us guessing. After a handful of EPs that set her up as a King Krule type, fiddling around in a jazzy indie haze, the Londoner’s debut album, 2019’s Miss Universe, built a minor alt-pop classic around, loosely, the concept of a dystopian health corporation and a wellness hotline. Even within that notion, though, it refused to stick to a rigid path, wandering off into indie-rock, house, pop and soul, finding plenty of other anxieties and ideas to explore.Her second album Painless…

Painless Tattoos Developed – Easy, Do-It-Yourself Microneedle Patches

A microneedle patch tattoo is pressed to the skin. Credit: Georgia TechScientists Develop Painless Tattoos That Can Be Self-AdministeredImagine getting painlessly tattooed by a skin patch containing microscopic needles, instead of sitting in a tattoo chair for hours enduring painful punctures. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) have developed low-cost, painless, and bloodless tattoos that can be self-administered. They have many applications, from medical alerts to tracking neutered animals…