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A Supersmeller Can Detect the Scent of Parkinson’s, Leading to an Experimental Test for the Illness

A Scottish woman named Joy Milne made headlines in 2015 for an unusual talent: her ability to sniff out people afflicted with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative illness that is estimated to affect nearly a million people in the U.S. alone. Since then a group of scientists in the U.K. has been working with Milne to pinpoint the molecules that give Parkinson’s its distinct olfactory signature. The team has now zeroed in on a set of molecules specific to the disease—and has created a simple skin-swab-based…

New Discovery Means Parkinson’s Could Be Diagnosed With a Swab in Just 3 Minutes : ScienceAlert

When it comes to developing treatments and eventual cures for diseases, being able to diagnose a condition early and accurately makes a huge difference – and scientists have now developed a quick, reliable method of identifying people with Parkinson's disease.The test can be run in as little as 3 minutes after a skin swab has been taken. The swab is analyzed for changes in the chemical mix of sebum, a natural waxy oil produced by the skin that has previously been linked to Parkinson's.At the moment, there's no conclusive…

MIT’s at-home gait monitor wirelessly tracks progression of Parkinson’s

The progression of Parkinson’s is characterized by a deterioration in motor control, and researchers are beginning to explore how this might be monitored via a person’s walking patterns. A new MIT system aims to bring this into the home, wirelessly tracking a patient’s gait to offer evaluations of Parkinson’s severity with a new level of precision.The system is described as a “human radar” and is an adaptation of technology we looked at last month, designed to diagnose Parkinson’s disease by tracking a person’s breathing…

Johns Hopkins Scientists Have Developed a Nanobody That May Treat Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a brain condition that causes uncontrollable or unintended movements.The nanobody can also punch through tough brain cells.The immune system uses proteins referred to as antibodies to detect and attack invading pathogens. Mini versions of antibodies, called nanobodies — natural compounds in the blood of animals such as llamas and sharks — are being researched to treat autoimmune diseases and cancer. Now, scientists from Johns Hopkins Medicine have helped create a nanobody that can penetrate the…

Hormone secreted when exercising halts Parkinson’s decline in mice

A hormone believed to be released by muscles during exercise has been found to reduce levels of a toxic protein associated with Parkinson’s disease. The promising animal studies indicate future therapies could be developed based on the way this hormone improves brain health.In 2012 a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School published a landmark study reporting the discovery of a new hormone released by muscles during exercise. The researchers named the hormone irisin.For several years the scientific community…

Thought To Be Impossible – New Method Could Diagnose Early-Stage Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that causes unintentional or uncontrolled movements such as trembling, stiffness, and issues with balance and coordination.Parkinson’s disease may be detected in its early stages through the use of special brain scans.Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating brain condition that worsens with time and affects sufferers’ ability to walk and even talk. It’s complex to diagnose, and in the early stages – impossible.Most of us are acquainted with a method known as MRI, which is often…

Breathe in, Breathe Out! This AI Detects if You have Parkinson’s

MIT researchers have developed an AI module that can detect Parkinson’s disease MIT researchers have developed an AI module that can detect Parkinson’s disease with the breathing patterns of the patient with the appearance of a Wi-Fi router using a neural network to discern the presence and severity of one of the fastest-growing neurological diseases in the world. The fastest-growing neurological disease in the world, Parkinson’s is the second-most common neurological disorder. The study was inspired by 200-year-old…

A New Cause of Parkinson’s Related Cell Death Discovered

Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that results in unintentional or uncontrolled movements including trembling, stiffness, and issues with balance and coordination.Researchers from Osaka University discover an unexpected alteration in the brain during the autopsy of a patient with clinically typical Parkinson’s disease: an accumulation of TDP-43 proteins rather than alpha-synuclein.Parkinson’s disease (PD) currently has no known cure, and one of the major challenges in creating effective treatments is that we are…

Bad Dreams Could Be a Early Sign of Parkinson’s

A study finds that frequent nightmares could be an early warning of Parkinson’s Disease.According to experts at the University of Birmingham, older adults who begin to have nightmares or disturbing dreams could be displaying the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.In a cohort of older males, recent research that was published in the journal eClinicalMedicine found that those who often had nightmares were twice as likely to eventually receive a Parkinson’s diagnosis as those who did not.Although prior research has…

Lars von Trier: Antichrist director diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease

Lars von Trier, the Danish director behind art-house films Antichrist, Melancholia and Nyphomaniac, has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 66.Zentropa, who produce Von Trier’s movies, announced the news on Monday (8 August) in a press release.The company explained that, due to the diagnosis, Von Trier will give very few interviews ahead of the launch of his latest project, season three of his cult 1990s television series The Kingdom.“Lars is in good spirits and is being treated for his symptoms – and…