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Philly’s Measles Outbreak Is Getting Worse

An outbreak of measles in Philadelphia is growing larger. This week, health officials announced a newly discovered case of the highly contagious viral disease in the area—the ninth reported to date. Many of these cases, including the latest one, have been traced back to a single day care center, and most if not all patients were unvaccinated against measles.Remake this Sci-Fi Film with Peter Capaldi!The outbreak appears to have begun in early December at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. An infant was admitted to…

Alarming 300% Surge – ADHD Medication Errors Skyrocket in U.S. Kids

A study reveals a dramatic rise in ADHD medication errors in children, with the majority occurring at home and involving males aged 6-12. It calls for enhanced education and improved medication management to mitigate these errors. Credit: Experts call for patient and caregiver education and for development of improved child-resistant medication dispensing and tracking systems.Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most common pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders. In 2019, nearly…

The Real Story Behind ‘White Lung Pneumonia’

Experts say a pneumonia outbreak among children in Ohio and a cluster of pneumonia cases in China are unrelated, despite some social media posts and tabloid articles that have ambiguously linked the two.The usual respiratory pathogens are making their rounds this cold and flu season, yet the specter of the pandemic has left many on alert for the next novel agent.“I understand outbreaks in China can make people nervous, but this is not that,” says Paul Offit, an infectious disease physician at Children’s Hospital of…

Losing a Grandparent Hurts Boys at School

Death is not random. Demographers estimate that 75 percent of Americans are expected to live to age 70, meaning that most deaths occur late in life. The death of an older relative, such as a grandparent, is expected. As such, a grandparent’s death is considered part of life and not an event with consequences that ripple through space and time. But what if this is a misconception?Historically, there has not been much research on this topic. Social scientists have tended to downplay grandparental death as a potentially…

Smartwatches Effective at Finding Hidden Heart Issues in Children

A new Stanford study demonstrates the effectiveness of smartwatches, like the Apple Watch, in diagnosing irregular heart rhythms in children, overcoming the limitations of traditional cardiac monitors. This finding has led to plans for further research to improve pediatric heart monitoring technology. Credit: Apple watches have some advantages over traditional ways of diagnosing cardiac arrythmias in children but need more validation, finds a Stanford Medicine study. Smartwatches can help physicians…

New Research Links Screen Time With Childhood Development Delays

Research from Tohoku University links screen time in one-year-olds to developmental delays, particularly in communication and problem-solving skills, highlighting the need for nuanced understanding and further study of the effects of various types of screen exposure. A study conducted by Tohoku University in collaboration with Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, and published in JAMA Pediatrics, has found a correlation between the screen time of one-year-old children and developmental delays. The research involved…

The Dawn of Next-Gen Organoids to Model Pediatric Brain Tumors

Image of novel brain organoid model showing its characteristic convoluted shaped and extended neuroepithelium. The neurons present in the organoid are shown in different colors depending on their location within the tissue. Credit: Benedetta Artegiani, Delilah Hendriks, Anna PagliaroResearchers from the Princess Máxima Center and the Hubrecht Institute have developed advanced brain organoids that closely resemble the human cortex. These organoids, named Expanded Neuroepithelium Organoids (ENOs), mimic the brain’s…

Every Child Pediatrics offers kids health care no matter ability to pay

When Reid DeSpiegelaere, chief development officer at Every Child Pediatrics, talks about his work’s mission, he points to the name of the nonprofit organization, Every Child Pediatrics. “We see every child,” DeSpiegelaere said. “We’ve never turned a child away.” That holds true regardless of a family’s ability to pay for medical services, from routine check-ups, vaccines and nutritional guidance to behavioral and mental health care. Every Child Pediatrics primarily sees kids who are uninsured or on Medicaid, offering a…

Nighty-Night or Not Quite Right? Unpacking the Melatonin Craze Among the Young

A study from the University of Colorado Boulder indicates that nearly one in five children and preteens use melatonin for sleep, with usage extending to preschoolers. Concerns arise due to limited safety data and the FDA’s lack of regulation. Experts emphasize caution, noting the importance of behavioral changes over supplements for sleep issues in children.Research shows a significant increase in melatonin use among children and preteens for sleep, raising concerns about safety, efficacy, and the potential for long-term…

More Parents Are Finding Excuses to Not Vaccinate Their Kids

Parents are increasingly finding ways to keep their children unvaccinated as they enter kindergarten, new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows. The percentage of parents claiming vaccine exemptions for their children has increased nationwide this year, with many states rising over 5%. Overall childhood vaccination coverage remains high but has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels.What Inspired Dominic Monaghan's Performance in Moriarty?Children who attend school are required to receive…