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Seville Launches World’s First Program to Name and Rank Heat Waves

CLIMATEWIRE | Seville, Spain, has officially launched a new pilot program to address deadly heat waves. The program, unveiled yesterday on the summer solstice, introduces a system for naming and ranking heat waves in much the same way as hurricanes. It’s the first city in the world to implement such a program, according to organizers. And it’s launching just in time for another record-breaking hot season. Spain has been grappling with extreme temperatures for weeks. A sizzling heat wave last month sent temperatures…

Using digital PR to earn links and rank for your target keywords

So what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Links continue to be an important organic search ranking factor. However, Google frowns on “link building” and states that the best way to build links is to create great content.   If you build it, they will come. But how will they find you if you don’t rank, to begin with? Ideally, when your site starts gaining authority and ranking well, your pages will start showing up in the SERPs, and you’ll gain links naturally.  …

Cybercrime in India soaring! You won’t believe what our world rank is on hacking; top tips to protect yourself

Cybercrime in India is rising fast, according to a report by Netherlands-based Surfshark. How big is the hacking record? 18 out of 100 Indians have suffered from data breaches. India ranks sixth in the world when it comes to highest incidents of data-breaches, according to a new research by Netherlands-based firm Surfshark. The study went back as far as 2004, when the first digital attack was recorded, to compile the data. Cybercrime in India is so prevalent

Trio of Prototype AMD-Based El Capitan Supercomputers Already Rank in Top 200

The AMD-based El Capitan supercomputer isn't set to go online until 2023. However, in preparation for the new exascale supercomputer, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA, not to be confused with the NSA or NASA) has produced three smaller prototype supercomputers to test out El Captains' hardware systems. Despite not being the real supercomputer deal, these three computing monsters have been found to pack a serious punch, with each landing on the top 200 list of the world's fastest supercomputers.El…