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Amazon Could Run Out of Warehouse Workers to Wear Down by 2024

Amazon, the company notorious for its awful labor practices, is grinding through its potential workforce too fast, according to an internal company research memo leaked to and first reported on by Vox. “If we continue business as usual, Amazon will deplete the available labor supply in the US network by 2024,” said the document, according to Vox.The memo indicated that things were looking particularly grim for Amazon’s labor pool in a few specific locations. Amazon reportedly based their calculations on factors like local…

Amazon’s workforce turnover is so high that it could run out of people to hire by 2024

Amazon is facing a looming crisis: It could run out of people to hire in its US warehouses by 2024, according to leaked Amazon internal research from mid-2021 that Recode reviewed. If that happens, the online retailer’s service quality and growth plans could be at risk, and its e-commerce dominance along with it. Raising wages and increasing warehouse automation are two of the six “levers” Amazon could pull to delay this labor crisis by a few years, but only a series of sweeping changes to how the company does business…

Leaked Amazon memo says the company may run out of available labor by 2024

Amazon is likely to run out of prospective workers for its US warehouses by the year 2024, according to an internal memo that was leaked to Recode. The memo contained internal research from 2021 that predicted a looming labor crisis for the e-commerce giant that would hit some areas faster than others. For example, it estimated that Amazon would exhaust its labor supply in Phoenix, Arizona by the end of 2021 and in California’s Inland Empire by the end of 2022. It calculated the available pool of workers using factors…

How to run PugetBench for Photoshop

Puget Systems offers a number of different benchmarks to test out your PC using automated real-world tasks in the Adobe Creative Cloud. Some of them (such as the one for Premiere Pro) are somewhat complicated and can take a while to get up and running. But one of them — PugetBench for Photoshop — is very simple. PugetBench for Photoshop measures how fast your computer can perform various tasks, including mask refinement and gradients as well as filter tasks like lens correction and noise reduction. Unlike some of…

New Xbox App update predicts if a PC can run games before downloading

The Xbox App for PC is will be receiving an update that will predict if the user’s PC has the specifications to run a title before it’s downloaded.  This was announced via a post on Xbox Wire and reported on by Eurogamer. The post reads: “The team has created a new feature that is beginning to roll out that helps you see how well a game will run on your PC, before you download it.” The app will compare the game’s performance on PCs with similar specs, giving the user a strong indication of how it will run on their own…

Elon Musk’s plan is to run Twitter off the top of his head

Elon Musk appeared at a virtual town hall for Twitter employees on Thursday to answer their questions, and by the end of the session one question loomed larger than most: can you really run Twitter off the top of your head? Over 60 or so freewheeling minutes, the world’s richest man fielded queries over remote work, layoffs, content moderation, and other questions of pressing interest to Twitter’s roughly 8,000 employees. Time and again, he offered workers hungry for concrete answers a jumble of sentence fragments.…

Sonic Frontiers boss says length will run you “20-30 hours” to finish

I hope it stays interesting that whole time The jury is still out on Sonic Frontiers, as an array of takes are swirling from folks who have played it. For now, we can look at some facts. The Sonic Frontiers length is looking like “20-30 hours” according to director Morio Kishimoto (who spoke to IGN). Naturally, that length is variable. Kishimoto also claims that it’ll take “double” that length to clear everything and go for 100%, and a “character progression” system (which involves a skill tree and leveling) is…

Boys Run The Riot Volume 3 Review: More Money, More Problems

| In the previous volume of Boys Run The Riot, Ryo and Jin finally got their big break: An LGBTQ YouTuber named WING promoted the fledgling clothing brand (called Boys Run The Riot) to their fans. Unfortunately, WING also outed Ryo without Ryo's permission. The genie's out of the bottle. The toothpaste is out of the tube. What's next for the kids? Classmates accused Ryo of cynically leveraging his identity crisis to sell t-shirts. That goes about as well as you'd expect. Boys Run The Riot volume 3 cover. Credit: Kodansha…

Singtel gives Optus more ‘autonomy’ to run enterprise unit

Optus soon will have more autonomy to run its enterprise business, giving the Australian telco direct accountability of how it wants to navigate the unit's growth path. Its enterprise division would be transferred from Optus' parent company Singtel, so it would have "more operational autonomy" with the unit under its direct management, Singtel said in a statement Wednesday. Optus' enterprise revenue clocked at AU$1.21 billion ($843.69 million) in its financial year, ended March 2022.Effective from July 1, the move is part…