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Skin Mites That Mate on Our Faces at Night Are Slowly Merging With Humans

If you are reading this, you are probably not alone.Most people on Earth are habitats for mites that spend the majority of their brief lives burrowed, head-first, in our hair follicles, primarily of the face. In fact, humans are the only habitat for Demodex folliculorum. They are born on us, they feed on us, they mate on us, and they die on us.  Their entire life cycle revolves around munching your dead skin cells before kicking the teeny tiny bucket.So reliant is D. folliculorum on humans for their survival, new…

‘We came and we conquered’: the Glastonbury I’ll never forget, by Skin, Rufus Wainwright and others | Glastonbury festival

‘We really felt like underdogs – but we smashed it’The first time we played Glastonbury was when we were just starting out. We were first on the NME stage, at noon, except we didn’t have the right passes. We were trying to argue ourselves in, saying: “We’re supposed to be on stage right now!” We got in after 10 minutes, just in normal clothes, played four songs, and that was it – but we smashed it.Then the next time we played Glastonbury, in 1999, we were headlining. But even though we were a band that was firing on all…

We Know Blue Light Messes With Our Internal Clocks, But What Can It Do to Our Skin?

Take a wander down the skincare aisle of any health and beauty retailer and you'll be met with a bewildering array of creams and sprays, promising to protect you from various threats to your skin.  You might have noticed skincare companies claiming their products can protect you from the effects of blue light. If you hadn't thought about blue light before, you'd be forgiven for worrying about whether you should be concerned.First, you need to understand what blue light is.Visible light accounts for 50 percent of the…

Yes, blue light can damage your skin — but protective cosmetics are BS

Take a wander down the skincare aisle of any health and beauty retailer and you’ll be met with a bewildering array of creams and sprays, promising to protect you from various threats to your skin. You might have noticed skincare companies claiming their products can protect you from the effects of blue light. If you hadn’t thought about blue light before, you’d be forgiven for worrying about whether you should be concerned. First, you need to understand what blue light is. Want to learn video…

How Skin Cancer Rates Vary across the Globe

This leading cancer affects some populations and regions much more than others Credit: MSJONESNYCAdvertisement Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, and because older people make up a greater share of the population in many places, including the U.S., it is on the rise. The main cause of skin cancer is exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, but the risk varies greatly across the globe because of differences in skin pigmentation—which protects against skin cancer—and the amount of direct sunlight that…

Researchers created living skin for robots, and it’s pure nightmare fuel

Sometimes science goes just a little too far in the pursuit of progress. I’m not saying that’s the case with a new living skin that scientists made for robots. But I’m also not saying that’s not the case. Making artificial humans has been a goal of many for centuries, even dating back to the ancient times of Greek mythology. But we’ve never been closer to achieving a realistic human-like robot, than right now. That’s because while robots continue to progress and accomplish bigger and better things, scientists are…

Special Ointments Can Remove Large Birthmarks and Prevent Skin Cancer

Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have discovered several drugs can be applied to the skin to remove moles and prevent skin cancer.New treatment can help regress congenital giant nevi Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Every day, roughly 9,500 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with skin cancer. Skin cancer is classified into three types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, develops in the…

Large Study Found a Strange Link Between Eating Fish And Skin Cancer

More than 3 billion people around the world rely on fish for food. Fish are a favored source of proteins and healthy fats in highly recommended diets, like Mediterranean and Nordic.  But new research suggests that as with all things, too much good fish could also be a bad thing.A large, long-term study of almost 500,000 people, found people who eat more fish than the equivalent of half a can of tuna a day were 22 percent more likely to contract a malignant melanoma."Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the and…

Scientists craft sweaty, self-healing living human skin for robots

Scientists from Japan have brought us one step closer to human-like robots by crafting living human skin on robots which gave their fingers skin-like texture, as well as water-repellent and self-healing functions.While current silicone skin made for robots can mimic human appearance, it falls short when it comes to delicate textures like wrinkles and lacks skin-specific functions. "The (new) finger looks slightly 'sweaty' straight out of the culture medium," said first author Shoji Takeuchi, Professor at the University of…

Scientists Have Developed ‘Living’ Skin For Robots, And It’s Quite Something

From Talos, the giant bronze automaton who guarded the princess Europa in ancient Greek myths, to Cylons and Terminators, the idea of artificial humans has both fascinated and creeped us out for centuries.   Now, we're closer than ever to making a robot look remarkably like a human, with the development of living robot skin. This icky-looking substance is water repellent, self healing, and has a texture just like our own skin.Because it's actually made of human skin cells."I think living skin is the ultimate solution to…