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How We Automated the Verification of Car Photos

Too Long; Didn't ReadinDrive asks users to take a picture of their car every month. Our moderators manually check the before and after photos. The problem with the current approach is that it is more difficult to increase the number of moderators than it is to scale up the infrastructure. We want to give the user clues as to why the photo provided doesn't “fit the bill” Too Long; Didn't ReadinDrive asks users to take a picture of their car every month. Our moderators manually check the before and after photos. The…

Twitter to require account verification for TweetDeck access

Image Source : FILE Twitter to require account verification for TweetDeck access In a recent tweet, Twitter announced that users will soon need to have a verified account in order to access its popular social media management tool, TweetDeck. The change is scheduled to be implemented within 30 days, as stated by the company. Previously, verification was not a

Tech firms sue Arkansas over social media age verification law

The technology industry isn't thrilled with Arkansas' law requiring social media age checks. NetChoice, a tech trade group that includes Google, Meta and TikTok, has sued the state of Arkansas over claimed US Constitution violations in the Social Media Safety Act. The measure allegedly treads on First Amendment free speech rights by making users hand over private data in order to access social networks. It also "seizes decision making" from families, NetChoice argues. The alliance also believes the Act hurts privacy and…

Twitter violated laws between 2020-22: Amit Malviya

 The BJP's IT department head Amit Malviya  came down heavily on former Twitter chief executive officer Jack Dorsey, saying the social media company was in violation of laws between 2020-2022 when he was at the helm of affairs.Malviya's counter offensive through a Twitter post after Dorsey claimed the Indian government threatened raids on employees and shutdown if the company did not take down posts critical of the government during the farmers protest against three new laws in 2020 and 2021. Malviya said that Under…

Pornhub Asks Users to Protect Age Verification Laws

Pornhub did something fairly unusual this week: instead of encouraging its slack-jawed user base to keep their eyes glued to an endless stream of fake boobs, sex toys, and debauchery, the adult video site instead begged them to get off the couch, quit jerkin’ it, and reach out to their elected officials.Twitter Verification is a Hot MessWhy is one of the world’s biggest smut distributors encouraging its user base to get more civically involved? Tofight profit-curbing regulations, of course. In recent months, a slew of

How to activate Aadhaar verification on your LinkedIn account

Microsoft-owned professional networking platform LinkedIn has rolled out an identity-verification feature. The verification feature is available for free to all LinkedIn users in India. After the US, India is the second market where the company is introducing verification based on government IDs. The verification process on LinkedIn is voluntary. However, being verified could enhance a member’s credibility and open doors to new opportunities, the company noted. “Our aim with verification is not to elevate selected…

iOS 17 will save me so much time by cleaning up all of my verification codes

There are so many unsung features of iOS 17 that Apple didn’t reveal in its keynote, and this is definitely one of my favorites. Yesterday, Apple kicked off WWDC with its usual keynote and officially unveiled iOS 17, the next version of iOS that will launch in the fall. While the public beta won’t be available until July, developers have already gotten their hands on the developer beta and are digging around to find what new features were excluded from the keynote. Aaronp613, a contributor to AppleDB,…

How to forward Netflix account verification emails to everyone using your password

Netflix’s password-sharing ban is in effect, and some people have started deleting their accounts. I’ve been siding with Netflix ever since the company confirmed that it will no longer tolerate password-sharing outside the household. I think the protests are unnecessary, and I explained why more than once. That said, I believe there are ways to mitigate the Netflix password ban that don’t involve canceling your account or paying for extra access just yet. It’s too early to act in either direction as long as we…

iOS 16.6 Beta introduces BIG privacy feature to iPhone; Know what is iMessage contact key verification

Apple's highly anticipated iMessage Contact Key Verification tool, aimed at safeguarding conversations against digital threats, was announced in the second half of 2022. Initially it was projected for a 2023 release, and now, the first beta of iOS 16.6 has finally added the feature. However, it remains inactive for now.The beta version of iOS 16.6 was released by Apple on Friday, showcasing the addition of iMessage Contact Key Verification. But activating the feature currently appears to have no visible effect, leading…

iOS 16.6 beta has iMessage Contact Key Verification

Apple released iOS 16.5 a few days ago. You should upgrade your iPhone as fast as possible because the new release delivers a few key security patches. But Apple also released iOS 16.6 beta 1 for developers. The new beta includes the iMessage Contact Key Verification security feature that Apple announced late last year. Apple has been improving the iPhone’s security and privacy at every chance it gets. The iMessage Contact Key Verification feature is hardly surprising. It’s the kind of feature many people will…