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LinkedIn rolls out new ad performance measurement features

LinkedIn introduced performance measurement capabilities and enhancements to Document Ads. The company claims all three new capabilities delivered significant gains for advertisers. Why we care. Accurate measurement of campaign performance enables advertisers to make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently and demonstrate the value of their efforts to clients and management.Conversions API. This API enables advertisers to combine

Apple Patent Application Hints at AirPods Sensors That Allow Measurement of Brain Electrical Activity

AirPods — Apple's truly wireless stereo (TWS) earphones — could double as a health monitoring tool in the future, according to a patent application recently published by the US Patent Office (USPTO). The Cupertino company appears to have invented an AirPods sensor mechanism that would allow the earphones to monitor electrical impulses from the wearer's brain. The patent describes a system that can monitor brain activity that is typically monitored with the use of electrodes on a patient's head but the use of AirPods could…

Samsung Galaxy Ring offers better body information measurement

Image Source : FILE Samsung Galaxy Ring offers better body information measurement Samsung Electronics has reportedly commenced the advanced development of a smart ring called the 'Galaxy Ring.' The Japanese company Meiko is leading the development of the Galaxy Ring's rigid and flexible printed circuit boards (PCBs), responsible for connecting various electronic…

The ‘Most Precise Measurement Yet’ of an Electron’s Dipole Moment Has Just Been Taken : ScienceAlert

University of Colorado scientists have set the tightest constraints yet on the potential size of separation in electrical charges within an electron, or its electric dipole moment (EDM).While it doesn't mean we know what that size is or if it even truly exists, it could help weed out ideas explaining why the Universe isn't just an empty space.That mystery concerns the balance of matter and antimatter in the Universe – particles with very similar properties but that are mirror images in specific ways, including their…

New measurement of Yellowstone magma reservoir suggests upper part is 28% melted rock

Shear wave speed and radial anisotropy of Yellowstone's shallow crustal structure. (a) Voigt average velocity and (b) Radial anisotropy depth slides at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 12 km. The red lines mark the cross-sections shown in Fig. 7. The shaded area represents the less-constrained area based on a derivative weighted sum (DWS) threshold shown in Fig. S4. Open squares mark the seismic stations. Solid and dashed lines delineate the 0.63 Ma caldera, resurgent…

First Measurement of Electron Spin in Kagome Quantum Materials

For the first time, an international research team has measured the electron spin in a new class of quantum materials called “kagome materials,” potentially transforming how quantum materials are studied. This advancement could pave the way for developments in fields like renewable energy, biomedicine, electronics, and quantum computing.An international research team has succeeded for the first time in measuring the electron spin in matter — i.e., the curvature of space in which electrons live and move — within “kagome…

How Well Can You Spell?

Here’s a famous teaser that I don’t really like much: What number comes next in the sequence 8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7,…? It’s not so obvious. It becomes a little easier when we write the sequence in words: eight, five, four, nine, one, seven, …. Spot it now? The answer is 6, because the digits are given in alphabetical order (and six comes next). It’s a fine trick, but it preys on the forgivable assumption that a pattern in a sequence of numbers will have something to do with numbers. I prefer when the parameters of a puzzle are…

Novel in-situ pH measurement method for high-temperature hydrothermal systems

Photographs of in situ Raman detection of hydrothermal fluids in the Okinawa Trough hydrothermal field. (a) Location of the Jade and Biwako sites in the mid-Okinawa Trough. (b) The high temperature resistant probe and in situ Raman spectrometer inside titanium pressure housing. The RiP-Hv was inserted into the Jade and Biwako hydrothermal vents to obtain Raman spectra respectively (c and d). Hydrothermal vent fluids for Jade and Biwako sites were…

Quantum Theory’s ‘Measurement Problem’ May Be a Poison Pill for Objective Reality

Imagine a physicist observing a quantum system whose behavior is akin to a coin toss: it could come up heads or tails. They perform the quantum coin toss and see heads. Could they be certain that their result was an objective, absolute and indisputable fact about the world? If the coin was simply the kind we see in our everyday experience, then the outcome of the toss would be the same for everyone: heads all around! But as with most things in quantum physics, the result of a quantum coin toss would be a much more…

Google Chrome will soon add 6 relevance and measurement APIs

The Privacy Sandbox initiative, a project led by Chrome, is introducing new key relevance and measurement APIs to Chrome Stable. This move is scheduled for the third quarter of 2023, with the spotlight focused on Chrome Stable 115 as the specific launch pad. Unveiling the specifics. The APIs set to go live are: Topics: Generate signals for interest-based advertising without third-party cookies or other user identifiers that track individuals across sites. Protected Audience: Select ads to serve remarketing and…