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First-Ever Measurement of a Quantum Paradox

Vacuum chamber containing the atom chip. Credit: Thomas Schweigler, TU WienHow do quantum particles exchange information? An intriguing hypothesis regarding quantum information has recently been validated through experimental verification conducted at TU Wien.If you were to randomly pick an individual from a crowd who stands remarkably taller than the average, it’s quite likely that this person will also surpass the average weight. This is because, statistically, knowledge about one variable often gives us some insight…

Pioneering Measurement of Universe’s Expansion Reshapes Longstanding Debate

This image shows the huge galaxy cluster MACS J1149.5+223, whose light took over 5 billion years to reach us. The huge mass of the cluster is bending the light from more distant objects. The light from these objects has been magnified and distorted due to gravitational lensing. The same effect is creating multiple images of the same distant objects. Credit: NASA, ESA, S. Rodney (John Hopkins University, USA) and the FrontierSN team; T. Treu (University of California Los Angeles, USA), P. Kelly (University of California…

Measurement Messiness Complicates TV’s Annual Sales Season

Media companies are preparing to spotlight their buzziest television shows at the TV industry’s annual advance-sales presentations to advertisers, but marketers may be more preoccupied with measuring how many people watch and how to translate that into deals.Veteran players like Comcast Corp.’s NBCUniversal and newer platforms such as Netflix Inc. will try to win over ad buyers during star-studded “upfront” pitches in mid-May at New York City venues including…

Who Invented the Measurement of Time?

In modern times, clocks underpin everything people do, from work to school to sleep. Timekeeping is also the invisible structure that makes modern infrastructure work. It forms the foundation of the high-speed computers that conduct financial trading and even the GPS system that pinpoints locations on Earth’s surface with unprecedented accuracy. But humans have likely lived by some version of the clock for a very long time. The ancient Egyptians invented the first water clocks and sundials more than 3,500 years ago.…

Weird Boson Measurement May Have Been a Fluke, Large Hadron Collider Data Suggests

A team of researchers at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider have measured the mass of the W boson and found it to be in line with the Standard Model of particle physics, the overarching theory that describes the four fundamental forces and the characteristics of the smallest units of matter.What Is Carbon Capture? With Gizmodo’s Molly Taft | TechmodoThe team’s finding counters a precise measurement taken last year by a collaboration of hundreds of scientists atthe CDF Collaboration, who were happily surprised to find that the

New ‘Cosmic Ladder’ Measurement Leaves Us With a Major Physics Problem : ScienceAlert

Some mysteries in science vanish with more accurate measurements, resolving gaps with a puff of new data. And sometimes, a second look simply reinforces the fact you have a mystery on your hands.It's the latter in the case of a new study that challenges the Universe's most fundamental laws of physics.The Hubble constant is an expression of the speed of Universe's expansion. Unfortunately, there's more than one solution for it, depending on how it's measured.An expansion rate calculated using the faint glow left behind…

Customer Satisfaction Measurement with N-gram and Sentiment Analysis | by Petr Korab | Apr, 2023

Product reviews are an excellent source of information for qualified management decisions. Learn more about the right text mining techniques.Photo by Freepik on FreepikHappy customers drive company growth. The five-word sentence explains everything about why we do our best to maximize customer satisfaction. Product reviews are one of the major data sources that large companies like Amazon and Apple, middle-sized exporters including Lentiamo, and local companies running their Facebook pages collect. Reviews are typically…

Spend your marketing budget wisely with incrementality measurement

Measuring campaign success is critical now more than ever. Calculating the incremental lift and the resulting value that campaigns provide is a great way to assess the impact of your marketing tactics and improve the performance of channels and ROI. So, what is incrementally, and how do you measure campaign effectiveness using incrementality testing and optimize them for success? Register today for “Demystifying ‘Incrementality’ for Marketing Success,” presented by…

Groundbreaking Measurement Shakes Up Physics

A new study amplifies the Hubble tension, a discrepancy in cosmic expansion rate measurements, by providing the most accurate calibration of Cepheid stars for distance measurements. This discrepancy calls into question fundamental concepts in physics and has implications for understanding dark energy, the time-space continuum, and gravity.When it comes to measuring how fast the Universe is expanding, the result depends on which side of the Universe you start from. An EPFL study has calibrated the best cosmic yardsticks to…

News at a glance: A particle’s weighty measurement, Marburg in Africa, and a fossil called “the blob” | Science

PARTICLE PHYSICS Particle mass dispels hint of new physics A fleeting, weighty elementary particle called the W boson has just the mass predicted by theory, physicists working with Europe’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) reported this week at a conference in Italy. The finding comes from ATLAS, one of four large particle detectors fed by the LHC, and it contradicts the eyebrow-raising measurement reported last year in Science that suggested the W was heavier than…