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Why healthy people collapse in gyms

That day, Vishal began his fitness session by jogging on a treadmill. And then, without taking a break, he moved on to multiple sets of pull-ups and push-ups. Next came stretching exercises, the CCTV footage from the gym shows. He did a ‘standing forward bend’, where he touched the floor with his palms while bending at the hips. Things went wrong from here on. While trying to straighten up, he grabbed the equipment next to him for support but fell down unconscious. It was 8:05 pm.…

Vitamin D Supplements Probably Won’t Prevent Mental Illness After All

In February scientists reported that vitamin D was associated with a reduced risk of suicide attempts among U.S. veterans. The study compared more than 600,000 veterans who took various doses of vitamin D with an equal number of those who did not ingest the supplements. Taking vitamin D, they concluded, was linked with a 45 to 48 percent overall reduction in the risk of visiting a hospital for a suicide attempt or intentional self-harm. The higher the dose, the greater the reduction in risk, particularly for those with…

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough As Scientists Link NAD+ Supplements to Reduced Biomarkers in the Brain

Researchers from the University of Delaware and the National Institute on Aging have discovered that nicotinamide riboside, a naturally occurring dietary supplement, can enter the brain and alter the metabolism of relevant biological pathways involved in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. This finding, made by Christopher Martens and Dr. Dimitrios Kapogiannis, is significant as it is the first time nicotinamide riboside’s impact on the brain has been determined.For the first time, a researcher at the University…

New Study Shows Taking Vitamin D Supplements Could Help Prevent Dementia

A study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring found that taking vitamin D was linked to a longer period of living without dementia. The group that took vitamin D supplements also had 40% fewer dementia diagnoses. People get vitamin D from sun exposure, foods (such as fatty fish), and supplements.Taking vitamin D supplements may help ward off dementia, according to a new, large-scale study.Researchers at the University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute in Canada and…

Vitamin D Supplements Linked to Reduced Risk of Suicide, Study of Veterans Finds

Taking vitamin D supplements was linked to lower rates of attempted suicide and intentional self-harm among former military members, new research found. In the study, scientists looked at data about a large group of U.S. veterans and determined that those given supplemental vitamin D were at lower risk for attempting suicide or self-harming than those who weren’t. However, the study can only show a correlation, not a cause-and-effect relationship, and the research has limitations.The work, published in the journal PLoS

Could Vitamin D Supplements Lower Your Risk of Skin Cancer?

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that occurs when pigment-producing cells become malignant. It is a particularly dangerous form of skin cancer because it can spread to other parts of the body if not detected and treated early.A study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital found that fewer cases of melanoma were observed among regular users of vitamin D supplements. Experienced dermatologists also estimated that those taking vitamin D supplements regularly had a significantly lower…

Study Identifies Supplements That Benefit Cardiovascular Health

Scientists found strong evidence that omega-3 fatty acid, folic acid, and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) provided cardiovascular benefits. In addition, Omega-6 fatty acid, L-arginine, L-citrulline, melatonin, magnesium, Vitamin D, zinc, alpha-lipoic acid, catechin, flavanol, curcumin, genistein, and quercetin also showed evidence of reducing cardiovascular risk.A meta-analysis of more than 884 studies finds omega-3, folic <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div…

FDA, Concerned About Safety, Explores Regulating CBD in Foods, Supplements

The Food and Drug Administration is studying whether legal cannabis is safe in food or supplements and plans to make recommendations for how to regulate the growing number of cannabis-derived products in the coming months, agency officials said.“Given what we know about the safety of CBD so far, it raises concerns for FDA about whether these existing regulatory pathways for food and dietary supplements are appropriate for this substance,” said FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock,…

Popular vitamin B3 supplements may up cancer risk, brain metastasis : The Tribune India

New York, November 13 New research from the University of Missouri in the US has found that common vitamin B3 dietary supplements can increase the risk of serious disease, including developing cancer. While previous studies have linked commercial dietary supplements like nicotinamide riboside (NR), a form of vitamin B3, to benefits related to cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological health, new research has warned against its arbitrary use. The researchers made the…